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Too busy or think you have “no time” to eat healthy? Ready to get off the diet roller coaster? Just want a nutrition check-up or tips on how to eat better this year? Or are you looking for that competitive edge, a new PR or simply want to finish your first-ever marathon, triathlon or century ride? Or does the scale determine what type of day you have? Do you eat to exercise or exercise so you can eat? Are you worried that you or someone you are close to is struggling with an eating disorder?

Sports nutrition: As a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD), I work with fitness enthusiasts and athletes, of all ages and abilities, on establishing high performance eating habits. This includes daily food choices (what to eat) and eating habits (how to eat) as well as mastering hydration and fueling strategies on event, race, meet, match or game day.

The goal: to eat in a way that leaves you physically ready and mentally prepared to exercise or to train and compete.

Body weight concerns/disordered eating: As a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I work with teens and adults, of all shapes and sizes, on reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight. This includes establishing a supportive relationship with food via an intuitive eating (non-diet) approach. For disordered eaters and compulsive exercisers, I work, as needed, with a team that includes a medical care provider and a therapist.

The goal: healthy foods, a healthy body, and a healthy mind!

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area and wish to schedule a nutrition counseling appointment with Suzanne, please call 503.223.5243, #2 or email at:

Suzanne’s office is in SW Portland (on a hilly bike route!), close to downtown and NW 23rd Street/Burnside Avenue, and is easily assessable from all major highways.

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